Abstract of T. Goren lecture


T. Goren, O. Hetzroni
University of Haifa, Israel

Objective. When deciding on the inclusion of children with ASD,
teachers often use a list of competencies which are considered
essential for success of the inclusion. The purpose of this study was to
examine whether the child's level in these competencies can predict
the level or the success of his inclusion. Methods. The study included
45 elementary school children with ASD, of which 55% participated in
an inclusive setting. Questionnaires, assessing the child's level in 64
competencies, were filled by teachers at the beginning and the end of
the school year. The child's IEP, inclusion goals, number of hours and
success in the inclusive setting, as evaluated by the teachers, were
measured. Results. The number of hours the child participated in the
inclusive setting was predicted by the level of academic
competencies. Child's performance in the inclusion was predicted by
the level of social and behavioral competencies. Essential
competencies explained only 20% of the variance in the children's
participation in the inclusive setting, and 75% of their success
(p<0.001). Conclusion The strong correlation between child's success
in the inclusive setting and the essential competencies found in this
study reflect the deep understanding teachers hold regarding skills
needed for including children with ASD in the regular educational
system. However, the essential competencies failed to predict the
number of hours children with ASD were included, reflecting a strong
discrepancy between theoretical understanding and the actual
decision making processes accompanying inclusion. Possible
explanations for these discrepancies will be discussed. Grants: partial
support for this study was obtained from the Center for Absorption in
Science in the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, Israel.

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