Abstract of G. Schwartz Lecture


G. Schwartz, Y. Yagoda
AKIM Holn HostelIsrael

The concept of aging amongst mentally retarded has been discussed
for over a decade. Nevertheless, the community homes dealing with
aging residents continue to study the issue and respond to any issues
arising from their studies. AKIM Holon hostel is a home to 23 elderly
people with intellectual disability, ranging in age from 40 to 73. In this
document, we demonstrate the diverse needs of older residents, and
the solutions provided in the hostel. Leisure. We have adapted the
leisure activities that already exist in the hostel to suit the needs of the
aging population. This includes adaptation of the activities within and
outside of the hostel (trips abroad etc) to meet the interests and
abilities of a more elderly population. Family Ties. We have initiated
meetings with parents and siblings of the tenants, addressing the
changes in guardianship which occur as the resident, and their parent,
ages. Emotional welfare. We have implemented intervention programs
on the subject of dealing with grief and separation in order to aid the
process of dealing with loss, along with strengthening and preserving
capabilities and strengths. Emphasis is placed on processing and
understanding the cycle of life. Employment. The supported workplace
has opened a special department for the older employees. Here the
emphasis is on relaxation and not necessarily production. Health.
Adjustment of diet and physical activities along with age appropriate
medical examinations, corresponding to the individual needs of the
resident. Diagnosis and appropriate interventions of further cognitive

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